If calls are interrupting your working day, or you are getting stressed out about missing important calls, then this is the service for you!
I don’t JUST answer your calls, I care about your customers and the first impression they receive when calling your business. I know you have spent many hours building your business and first impressions count.
I like to learn all about your business so I can understand your products/services and the needs of your customers.
With my many, many years of experience, I am fully trained to answer your calls, in your business name within 3 rings and then email you the message from this call. I can also send you an SMS message if required.
My Call Handling service is very reliable, professional, and affordable. It is offered to clients during office hours 9am – 5pm Monday to Friday with calls outside these hours going to a personalised voicemail message.
You can divert your calls to me at any time during the working day as and when you require assistance with them or you can leave them on a permanent divert to me, via your unique divert number, which means that you get to keep your existing business number.
I have also carefully selected a small UK based Call Handling company, which provides my cover on an ad-hoc basis, for when I have a holiday. By doing this, it means that there isn’t any interruption to your service. They are fully briefed on your needs and requirements and you are always informed of this well in advance and you can, of course, choose to opt-out of this if you require.
I have PAYG and Monthly packages available, plus I also offer daily, weekly and ad-hoc cover.
*Basic calls – taking a detailed message and forwarding it on to the client.
**Complex calls – involves booking an appointment or using your software to assist with the call.
Outgoing Calls are charged at £2.00 per call.
I aim to have you set up within 24 hours of receiving the completed form (Monday to Friday). Don’t forget you can change your package at any time, once you have taken one out with me. All I require is an email notifying me of this and which package you wish to change to giving me 7 days notice of this change.