Welcome to Virtual Delegation.

Have you heard about Virtual Assistants? Maybe you have done a little research into them and what they offer and how they might be able to help you and your business BUT then you see they charge £25 per hour!

You’re instantly thinking I can’t afford that!

BUT, yes they might be twice, even three times the amount, of an office based employee BUT they are more cost effective than you think.

Virtual Assistant’s are highly trained individuals, working with a wide range of clients on a daily basis, as they work like this they have a great knowledge of many different types of software. They can look at your business and introduce systems and software which will save you time and money.

Maybe, you are working late into the evening or on a weekend catching up on your emails or messages, because you have so much work to do during the week, this is the ONLY way you can keep on top of them.

It doesn’t have to be like this at all.

By outsourcing the tasks you either don’t like doing or aren’t sure how to do efficiently to a Virtual Assistant, you will be saving time and money in your business.






I started Virtual Delegation back in April 2012, from my home office in beautiful Devon. I have over 25 years of experience working in Administration and Customer Service.

My passion is looking after my clients’ customers, so they can get on with running their small businesses. 






I can assist with anything from admin management, email management, and customer service assistance.

If you would like some help managing your admin and customers, why not get in touch today, to see how I can support you with this.

I look forward to hearing from you.







Amanda has taken so much pressure off, allowing me the freedom to take on more of my creative work. There is nothing better than seeing the words “No problem at all, leave it with me!” on an email!