What can a Virtual Assistant do for your business?

Lady at a desk
Posted on: February 4, 2019 Posted by: admin Comments: 0

What can a Virtual Assistant do for your business?

A Virtual Assistant, can deal with your customers on your behalf, saving you time and money in your business.

They are professional, reliable and efficient individuals. They can answer your calls in your business name, reply to emails on your behalf, manage your live chat feature, as well as managing the messages on your social media channels.

They are well trained in a variety of software, to assist with customer service related tasks such as Zendesk and Freshdesk to name just a couple.

They are pro’s at dealing with complaints and unhappy customers on your behalf. They make sure that request are actioned and carried out, all whilst updating the customer on the progress of their complaint and turn the unhappy customer in to a happy one, which at the end of the day is what all business owners want! Happy customers!

They can word an email correctly, using the appropriate language to deal with the customers enquiry.

They have a professional and friendly phone manner, to deal with your calls and save those calls going to a pesky voicemail message, if you are busy or unable to answer the call yourself.

By outsourcing these tasks to them, it can get you more customers, as it’s a well known fact that happy customers will buy from an individual or business time and time again.

If you would like a Virtual Assistant of your very own, then get in touch with me here.

I offer a FREE 30 minute Consultation Call where we can discuss your customer service needs and how I can remotely help you with them.

I look forward to hearing from you.


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